
Showing posts with the label #innovation

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW SCIENCE: DOG OWNERSHIP PROTECTS YOU FROM EARLY DEATH                                     Source: Winnie & Brewster Kane There are many benefits from owning a dog, but this one is truly profound.  Scientists from New York's Mount Sinai University and Sweden's Uppsala University have found that owning a dog cuts your risk of dying young by 24%.  They have found that owning a dog is "protective against dying of any cause".  Here are some key facts: Their research is massive, involving 70 years' worth of research study data on 4 million people in the US, UK, Canada, Scandanavia, Australia & New Zealand Dog ownership cut the risk of dying young by 24% It's even more compelling for people who've had a heart attack or stroke It cuts their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 31% The biggest beneficiaries of dog ownership are those who live alone, according to the rese

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  GOOGLE IS USING AI TO MONITOR CORAL REEFS THROUGH THEIR FISH INHABITANTS                                             Source:  Coral Reef stock Google DeepMind is listening to fish as a means of monitoring the coral reefs that they inhabit.  It's a remarkable use of AI technology to determine the health of coral reefs during this time of Climate Change.  Here are some key facts: Google used deep learning and trained an AI model on thousands of real fish recordings that were identified by marine biologists The public also helped by listening to reef fish recordings on the website Calling in Our Reefs Healthy reefs are noisy with the sounds of fish Unhealthy reefs sound like radio static All of the information has resulted in the AI-powered SurfPerch tool that measures the volume of fish sounds to determine the health of the reef Google's tool is an example of AI being put to work to monitor Climate Chang

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW SCIENCE:  EASY DIET STEPS TO IMPROVE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH                                                                                           Source:  Stock According to the World Health Organization (WHO), neurological conditions affect more than 3 billion people.  Here are 3, easy dietary changes to help your mental health: Increase your fiber.  Low fiber intake leads to a degrading of the protective layer that lines the gut and a lowering of the tissue that lines the brain. Avoid fad diets.  Some can lead to immunological changes in the brain. Consume the right micronutrients.  Examples include B vitamins, which are known to keep the nervous system healthy and help prevent depression, forgetfulness and dementia.  Also, iodine, which helps prevent brain damage and polyphenols, which promote new connections in the brain Bottomline:  take your multivitamins, eat plenty of fiber and stay away from fad d

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

  D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL - WHO'S THE FAIREST ANIMAL OF THEM ALL?                                                                                      Source:  Stock Which brilliant animals can recognize themselves in the mirror? Scientists from universities around the world, including Emory and Cardiff Universities are involved in this research.  Some animals that are able to recognize themselves in a mirror include: Chimpanzees Great apes Orangutans Asian elephants Mice Dolphins Pigeons These animals have advanced cognitive skills Many animals do not pass the mirror recognition test Is the time near when those animals that do recognize their reflection want to further enhance their looks with additional grooming time?  Imagine telling your pet to stop staring in the mirror, you are so vain! CAN AI SOLVE CLIMATE CHANGE & DISEASE? BILL GATES THINKS SO                                                

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  CAN AI SOLVE CLIMATE CHANGE & DISEASE? BILL GATES THINKS SO                                                                                           Source:  Breakthrough Energy Summit & Stock One of the 10 richest men in the world, Bill Gates, believes AI can save humans from Climate Change and cure diseases.  Here are some of the key points he made at the Breakthrough Energy Summit in London where he joined Prince William: AI is a "wonderful" technology that can change the world It can save humans from Climate Change and cure diseases It will make complex green energy solutions like nuclear fusion energy much easier to do However, there are potential dangers He says it needs to be used by people with "good intent" not by criminals intent on cyber-attacks or political interference He added "the defense has to be smarter than the offense and both sides will use AI to up their

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

  D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW LENS LETS YOU SEE IN THE DARK                                                                                                                                                       Source:  TMOS - Australia The new night vision filter, innovated by researchers at TMOS in Australia, gives you the power to see in the dark using everyday glasses.  Here are some key facts: The scientists have developed a new, ultra-thin material that can enable you to see in the dark It's a filter that's lighter than cling wrap The material can be integrated into a regular pair of glasses This enables night vision without needing a large, head mounted device The new material can capture infrared and visible light at the same time They use what they call "metasurface-based up-conversion technology" It's a breakthrough that eliminates the need for bulky light processing and cryogenic components Has big pot

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW SCIENCE:  NON-STOP TRANSATLATIC FLIGHT BY BUTTERFLIES                                                                                           Source:  Stock This is being called the 1st documented case of insects flying non-stop across an entire ocean.  Experts say it's an extraordinary achievement in biological discovery.  Here are some key facts: A flock of nearly 3,000 Painted Lady butterflies flew nearly 4,350 miles non-stop across the Atlantic from Europe to South America The creatures were spotted on a beach in French Guiana in South America in 2013 by entomologist Gerard Talavera They aren't native to South America and to get there, Talavera knew they had to fly across the ocean, making it the world's 1st non-stop transoceanic flight by insects ever discovered To prove it has taken years of scientific due diligence including the use of DNA analysis to prove where the butterflies came f

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW SCIENCE:  CAN INTERACTION WITH YOUR DOG OR CAT IMPROVE YOUR ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE?                                                                                Source:  Stock Kent State and Tufts University researchers think so.  Here's what their research found: High levels of stress lead to worse athletic performance Animal interaction lowers stress hormones Olympic athletes use dogs to help them relax during training breaks One study investigated students under high stress experiencing a decline in stress by interacting with dogs Bottomline:  Whether you're an athlete, a student or a professional under high stress...interact more with your furry friends, get a new perspective and feel the stress decrease. HYUNDAI'S AIR TAXI PLANS ARE BIG                                                      Source:  Hyundai Global automaker Hyundai has unveiled a sleek, sophisticated all-electric air taxi fo

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  HYUNDAI'S AIR TAXI PLANS ARE BIG                                                      Source:  Hyundai Global automaker Hyundai has unveiled a sleek, sophisticated all-electric air taxi for short-haul city-suburban flights.  The company's ambitions for a role in urban air mobility are huge.  Here are some facts: Hyundai plans a dual focused business:  manufacturing flying taxis for sale and also running a flying taxi service Targets 2028 for its commercial flying taxi customer operations Its subsidiary, Supernal with 600 employees, is developing its full-scale eVTOL S-A2 Carries a pilot and 4 passengers Range up to 50 miles Normal trip between major cities and their suburbs, airports, etc. of between 25 to 40 miles All-electric, vertical takeoff and landing vehicle 8 tilting rotors V tail Distributed electric propulsion architecture Cruises at 120 mph at 1500' altitude Currently in the testing phas