
Showing posts from May, 2024

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

  D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  ANCIENT ART OF WINEMAKING GOES HI-TECH WITH AI                                                                                          Source:  Stock There's a good chance your next glass of wine will come to you courtesy of AI.  AI is having a major impact on the global wine industry and it's having several big positive effects on what's in your glass, including better taste and price.  Here are some key facts: Vineyards around the world are embracing AI for better performance in virtually every aspect of their business Wine experts say AI is creating more accessible, sustainable, better priced and higher quality wine Some examples: AI can sample grapes and determine if they are premium, super premium or ultra-premium, allowing the grower to put certain batches into their premier line of winemaking AI is being used for vineyard management It monitors water intake and provides yield forecasts Pr

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  ANCIENT ART OF WINEMAKING GOES HI-TECH WITH AI                                                                                          Source:  Stock There's a good chance your next glass of wine will come to you courtesy of AI.  AI is having a major impact on the global wine industry and it's having several big positive effects on what's in your glass, including better taste and price.  Here are some key facts: Vineyards around the world are embracing AI for better performance in virtually every aspect of their business Wine experts say AI is creating more accessible, sustainable, better priced and higher quality wine Some examples: AI can sample grapes and determine if they are premium, super premium or ultra-premium, allowing the grower to put certain batches into their premier line of winemaking AI is being used for vineyard management It monitors water intake and provides yield forecasts Prov

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY SCIENTISTS THINK YOU NEED A 3RD THUMB!!                                             Source: Cambridge University In the UK, scientists at Cambridge University have developed a 3rd thumb that enables you to pick up objects with one hand.  Why after millions of years of humans having 10 fingers would you need an extra one?   Here are some key facts: The 3rd thumb is a controllable, prosthetic device that attaches to the edge of the right hand Allows the user to pick up objects, open bottles, even peel a banana with 1 hand As to why??, the scientists say "it advances our motor capabilities beyond current biological limits" Device is controlled by pressure sensor under each big toe and fits into the shoes Comes in different sizes for kids and adults Nearly 99% of the 600 people who tested it learned how to deftly use it in a minute or so The scientists say it's particularly helpf

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY SCIENTISTS THINK YOU NEED A 3RD THUMB!!                                             Source: Cambridge University In the UK, scientists at Cambridge University have developed a 3rd thumb that enables you to pick up objects with one hand.  Why after millions of years of humans having 10 fingers would you need an extra one?   Here are some key facts: The 3rd thumb is a controllable, prosthetic device that attaches to the edge of the right hand Allows the user to pick up objects, open bottles, even peel a banana with 1 hand As to why??, the scientists say "it advances our motor capabilities beyond current biological limits" Device is controlled by pressure sensor under each big toe and fits into the shoes Comes in different sizes for kids and adults Nearly 99% of the 600 people who tested it learned how to deftly use it in a minute or so The scientists say it's particularly helpf

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

  D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW HYBRID CARS WITH 1,000+ MILE RANGE                                                                                     Source:  BYD China's biggest EV maker, BYD, has developed several new hybrid cars that significantly exceed 1,000 in range and give Tesla a big run for its money.  Here are some key facts: Chinese Tesla rival BYD says its new hybrid cars can go 1,250 miles without a fill-up or a re-charge That is 2-times the range of rival hybrids in the US To put this new powertrain tech breakthrough into perspective, the 2023 Lexus ES gets 500 miles less range In terms of gas, the BYD powertrain gets 81 mil es per gallon In terms of current hybrids, the new BYD models are unmatched So is the price: starting at $13,375. This new competitive edge for BYD comes at a time when hybrid popularity in the US is surging as EVs remain expensive for consumers and unprofitable for dealers BYD is going to launc

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  DARPA POWER BEAMING AIMS TO MAKE EV RE-CHARGING EFFORTLESS                                                                                     Source:  Stock Power Beaming The US Defense Dept.'s Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is developing power beaming technology with multiple applications - that could make your re-charges effortless.  Here are some key facts: The tech DARPA is developing is called power beaming It enables an electric plane or e-drone to be recharged in flight It also enables electric cars and trucks to recharge while being driven The applications are multiple:  including medical implants in humans to be recharged while they go about their lives Power beaming's foundation is electromagnetic waves that power TV & radio broadcasts, cell phones and GPS DARPA is funding a team of electrical engineering experts at the University of Texas to develop their technology to send e

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  $20 BILLION, 1708 SHIPWRECK EXPLORED BY TECH INNOVATION                                                                           Source:  Columbia & Stock The government of Columbia is launching a billion-dollar, high tech mission to retrieve what's called the "Holy Grail" of shipwrecks - the legendary San Jose galleon that sank off Columbia in 1708.  Here are some key facts: The San Jose shipwreck is believed to hold $20 billion in gold, silver, jewels and more Columbia has claimed the site for itself and declared it a "protected archeological area" A Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) robot sub pinpointed the wreckage 3,100 feet below the Columbian Caribbean Sea several years ago Now Columbia is using remote sensors to image the wreck They'll also deploy an underwater vessel with sonar-like acoustic positioning technologies and a submersible drone to explore the site a

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW SCIENCE: ELEPHANTS HAVE FEELINGS TOO                                                                                          Source:  Stock They say, "an elephant never forgets".  According to new scientific research they also have feelings and a wide range of emotions.  Here are some eye-opening facts: In fresh research, scientists from Emory University and Think Elephants International have found elephants are capable of love, anger, empathy and stress The scientists found they have incredible memories, deep psyches and are closer to humans psychologically than ever thought  They celebrate births, mourn deaths and have been documented helping wounded or weaker animals They were observed comforting fellow elephants during times of stress They express empathy for one another and do so in very human-like ways The team studied 26 elephants in Thailand They say the human-like behavior and feelings

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  BILLIONS OF DOLLARS POUR INTO xAI                                                      Source: xAI & Stock Elon Musk's newly formed AI company xAI is in the process of raising $6 billion in investment money to take on AI leader Open AI - a company that Musk once supported.  Here are some key facts: $6 billion being raised by Musk for his xAI is one of the largest investments in the AI industry xAI was founded last November and its most notable accomplishment to date is empowering (Twitter) with AI capabilities The $6 billion will be used to: Build a supercomputer to run & train next-G Grok, the AI chatbot used by X Bring new AI products to market Build infrastructure to scale up production Develop breakthrough, new AI technologies Musk has been cautionary about AI, urging the US government to regulate and pace its development to prevent dangerous consequences  He recently warned all of our jo