World's 1st Aquatic SUV

Aquatic Utility Vehicle Typhoon Source: Shadow Six Racing The Typhoon - SUV on Jet Skis The Typhoon is the world's first aquatic utility vehicle (AUV) or water SUV. It is the highly innovative invention of West Palm Beach, Florida-based motorsports company Shadow Six Racing. It's a gas-guzzling UTV water demon. The very rugged, one-of-a-kind, utility vehicle is designed for both motorsports and defense applications. It is essentially a SUV on jet skis. Tech Specs & More The unique vehicle weights 2,365 pounds and can carry 3 passengers. It is powered by twin, 4-cylinder supercharged Yamaha GP 1800 SCHO R engines. The engines are located in 2, custom built carbon composite racing hulls designed like 2 jet ski...