Quantum Security - Counterfeiters Beware

Nanoscale Fingerprints Identify Counterfeiting Counterfeiting is one of the world's biggest scams. Fakes, forgeries and knock-off imitations cost the global economy half a trillion dollars a year. Emerging technology out of the UK could put a major dent into that and put phony products in full view. Quantum Security Scientists from Lancaster University in the UK are developing and patenting security solutions technology using quantum devices. They're creating quantum security at the nanoscale level. Literally, nanoscale fingerprints standing guard. Quantum Base is a spin-out company from Lancaster University that is a driving force of the innovation. Ending Counterfeit Goods The new anti-counterfeiting method, developed by Lancaster University scientists uses 2 components. There's a unique molecular pattern that can be put into a holographic label and picked up by a corresponding smartphone app. Bottom-line: it alerts if the product i...