1st From Space, Exoplanet Radio Signal

Mysterious Radio Signal from Exoplanet Source: Cornell University - Bootes & Magnetic Field A First From Space This is an extraordinary scientific finding from space. You might characterize it as an exoplanet talking to Earth. A research team of scientists led by researcher Jake Turner at Cornell University has detected a mysterious radio signal from an exoplanet deep within space. The radio "message" comes from the constellation Tau Bootes. It is the first radio signal ever discovered from one of the 4,500 exoplanets documented by astronomers, trillions of miles above the Earth. Their work has been published in the prestigious scientific journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Search For Life in Space Is this a message from an alien world? Well, researchers think the radio signals may provide a new way to explore the possibilities that life does exist outside of the ...