UAE Tech & 2 Israeli Co's Partner to Fight COVID-19 Source: COVID-19 Tech Fight Source: Abu Dhabi Group 42 Signing Deal Rare Arab-Israeli Big Partnership An astonishing example of Arab-Israeli cooperation has just emerged to fight the COVID-19 virus. Two Israeli defense contractors, Israel Aerospace Industries and Raphael, and an Abu Dhabi based technology company Group 42, are joining forces to develop technologies to fight COVID-19. This despite the fact that Israel has no diplomatic relations with a Gulf Arab nation. The partnership has been forged by the urgent, common humanitarian concerns over the vicious nature of COVID-19's threat to every human being. Arab-Israeli Tech Partnership The three companies reached their remarkable agreement via video calls this weekend. Abu Dhabi based Group 42 specializes in AI and cloud computing. It is led by CEO Peng Xiao. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has a portfolio of...