
1st Great White Shark in Long Island Sound

Good Environmental Sign for the Sound Source:  Ocearch Marine Scientists Say It's Reason to Celebrate For the first time ever, a great white shark has been spotted in Long Island Sound.  It was close to the beach at one of the US' wealthiest towns Greenwich, Connecticut.  Marine scientists say that's cause to celebrate. Good Environmental Message from the Great White Great Whites are selective in their swimming routes.  They go to clean water that's full of life.  The marine scientists from Ocearch say that the 10 foot shark is a strong indicator that Long Island Sound is in good environmental shape.  That's great news because it's wedged between the coastlines of Connecticut and Long Island, NY. Cabot The Great White was named Cabot, after the explorer John Cabot.  It was tagged in 2018 and is spotted by the tag's pings.  Cabot was tracked in April off North and South Carolina and made its way up to the Delaware Bay last week.  It was spotted

Handy Hank Dexterous Robot

Flexible Robotic Fingers with Human Touch Source:  Cambridge Consultants' Hank Big Applications like eCommerce Cambridge Consultants, the UK's "breakthrough innovation consultants" have created Hank.  The new robot has flexible robotic fingers inspired by the human hand.  Hank is expected by the inventors to have a big application in eCommerce operations that are under pressure to deliver goods cheaply and quickly. Breakthrough Sensory System The robot can hold and grip delicate objects using just the right amount of pressure.  It does so by using a pioneering sensory system embedded in its pneumatic fingers.  The fingers are soft and controlled by airflow that can flex the fingers and apply force. Grand Challenge The company says Hank could prove very valuable in agriculture and warehouse automation.  For those sectors, as well as eCommerce, the development of robots able to pick up delicate, small and irregular objects has proved to be a "Grand Ch

Important Innovations Collection: Personalized Cooling Heating Wearable

Your New Personalized Climate System Thermostat Patch Gadget for Warming & Cooling You Important Innovations Collection: Personalized Cooling Heating Wearable : Thermostat Patch Device for You Source:  UC San Diego Temp Patch Wearable Temperature Control Patch University of California San ...

Important Innovations Collection: List of Top New Medical Innovations

List of Top New Medical Innovations This new book on the world's top new medical innovations "List of Top New Medical Innovations" by journalists Ed Kane and me, Maryanne Kane contains medical news you can use.  It's news that impacts you and your health.  For details on access, go to Important Innovations Collection: List of Top New Medical Innovations : Latest Medical Innovations Impacting Your Life “List of Top New Medical Innovations” by Journalist Edward Kane, co-authored by Journ...

Important Innovations Collection: Heredity and Dog Ownership

Does Heredity Influence Dog Ownership? Source:  Stock Image New British-Swedish Research Concludes Yes The scientists studied the dog ownership patterns of more than 35,000 pairs of twins.  They concluded that genetic variations explained more than half of the differences in dog ownership.  So owning a dog or not appears to be in your genes.  For a news blog on this new research, go to Important Innovations Collection: Heredity and Dog Ownership : New Swedish-British Scientific Research Source:  Stock Image Owning a Dog is in Your Genes This is fascinating and very substantive ...

Important Innovations Collection: Broccoli Compound Suppresses Cancer

Natural Compound in Broccoli Suppresses Cancer Source:  Stock Image New Research from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Scientists in Boston have documented that a natural compound found in broccoli inactivates a gene that is known to play a major role in the development of cancer.  Their findings, just published in the journal Science, could lead to a potential new approach to the prevention and treatment of cancer.  For a news blog on this important medical research finding, go to Important Innovations Collection: Broccoli Compound Suppresses Cancer : Potential New Approach to Cancer Prevention & Treatment Source:  Stock Image of Broccoli New Research from Beth Israel Deaconess ...

Norway & Washington St. Innovation Partners

New Technology Partnership Source:  State of Washington signing ceremony with Norway Environment & Maritime Focus This is a very long distance technology partnership but their mutual interest and expertise in the environment, technology and the ocean closes the mileage gap.  Norway and the state of Washington have just signed a two year agreement to develop the next generation of maritime technologies and clean energy innovations.  Their results will benefit both regions of the world. Clean Energy Focus The MOU was signed by Washington State officials and Innovation Norway.  Norway's Ambassador to the US The Hon. Kare Aas was there.  Their collaboration is focused on innovation in clean energy, particularly for maritime vessels, innovation for the oceans, electric vehicles, data analytics and to promote economic and trade relations.  Additionally, they want to modernize and cut the environmental impact of the fishing and seafood industries through new technology and

US DARPA Battles Mosquitos

Bioengineering ReVector Program Source:  DARPA Protecting US Forces Against Mosquitos The US Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA has a unique approach to thwarting mosquitos and the dangerous diseases like malaria that they transmit.  With its ReVector program, DARPA wants to develop safe and precise technologies that change the metabolism of the human skin to thwart mosquitos. Easy to Use, Topical Solution DARPA says that mosquitos present one of the biggest health risks out there to deployed troops.  They want to apply bioengineering tools to develop a simple, easy to apply topical solution to prevent mosquitos from biting. Of course, there would be no harmful side effects to the soldiers. The goal is to protect soldiers for two weeks per application. The research program just began.  If DARPA is able to achieve its goal, the solution would have potential global use as malaria continues to spread.

Important Innovations Collection: German Air-Taxi Startup

German Air Taxi Successfully Tested Source:  Lilium artist rendering of the aircraft vertical takeoff in London Lilium - All Electric, Emissions Free The German startup company Lilium hopes to put its 5-seat air taxis into service by 2025.  The aircraft is a 5-seat, all electric, emissions free vehicle and was just successfully tested at a Munich airfield.  It can travel 186 mph and is designed for short distance, city to city travel.  For a great news blog on this, go to  Important Innovations Collection: German Air-Taxi Startup :  Lilium's Great Maiden Flight Source:  Lilium Artist Rendering Source:  Lilium  Jet 5 Seat Electric Air Taxi for Short Di...

Laser Microscope No-Cut Surgery

Revolutionary Cut-Free Surgery Source:  University of British Columbia New Laser Microscope This is breaking medical news from the University of British Columbia.  An innovative laser microscope has been invented that performs surgery and diagnosis without cutting the skin.  It's a specialized multiphoton excitation microscope able to perform cut-less surgery.  The big application is for skin cancer. Scan and Treats The new technology digitally scans living tissue and treats the tissue by increasing heat from the laser, all in real-time seconds.  That allows surgeons to diagnose and pinpoint the problem, perform cut-less surgery and treat it without cutting the skin.  Researchers say they can alter the path of blood vessels, scan, diagnose and treat diseases like skin cancer.  They are now working to make the microscope more versatile and increase it precision.  This breakthrough was just reported in the journal Science Advances.

Smart Food Cartons: Knowing Fresh

Cornell University Innovation Source:  Stock image  Milk Cartons that Are Smart and Help You This new gadget technology, a smart food carton, is designed to prevent food waste by helping consumers and retailers know how fresh a product actually is.  The container is more precise than the expiration dates we look for on a product.  Cornell University food scientists call it the carton of the future.  It gives consumers precise "best-by time" data. Shelf Life Information that is Precise The Cornell team is applying digital agriculture tools directly to the cartons to specify the shelf life and history of the product.  Their research is particularly targeted at milk cartons because consumers get rid of them so quickly based on the best by date.  Most consumers don't know that date indicates when the product is likely to be at peak quality not the expiration date. Cornell's  New Tech Cornell has developed a QR code and sensor placed inside the smart carton. 

Important Innovations Collection: Google's Translatotron

Google's Translatotron Source:  Google AI Enabled Translator Google software engineers have invented a translating system, enabled by AI, that captures and preserves the original speaker's tone, cadence and words and converts all of that into another language, for instance French into German.  The Google team hopes their experimental system provides a starting point to develop this new speech technology.  For a great news blog on this, go to Important Innovations Collection: Google's Translatotron : New Tech Translates Tone, Cadence and Words Source:  Google AI Translatotron  Translator Google software engineers have just annou...

Important Innovations Collection: London to New York in 90 Minutes

The World's Fastest Plane Source: Hermeus Artist Rendering Hermeus - New US Concept that's VC Funded and Under Development This may be the flight of your dreams.  London to New York in 90 minutes instead of 7 hours plus.  This concept supersonic jet innovated by the US aerospace company Hermeus is now under development and funded by venture capitalists.  The future of flight is supersonic and this vehicle is designed to fly at Mach 5 or 3800 mph.  For more on this breaking news innovation, go to Important Innovations Collection: London to New York in 90 Minutes : World's Fastest Plane: New Hermeus Supersonic Aircraft Source:  Hermeus Artist Concept Money Secured by US Company to Develop the...