E-Bikes, E-Scooters & Booming Business Globally

 E-Scooter & E-Bike TIER Buys Bike Sharer NextBike

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New, E-Mobility Lightweight Form Goes to Next Level

Europe's largest provider of shared, lightweight e-vehicles has just been created by Berlin based e-scooter operator TIER Mobility's acquisition of e-bike sharing systems company NextBike, headquartered in Leipzig, Germany.  This combination will create a vast network of e-bikes, e-scooters, e-mopeds, rental bikes and cargo bikes in Europe.  It is also expected to trigger a period of consolidation in the highly fragmented, highly innovative e-lightweight vehicle industry, which is booming with growth, globally.

Big European Market Penetration

The combo is expected to operate in 400 cities with 250,000 vehicles in Europe.  TIER is a financial powerhouse.  TIER is valued at $2 billion and has just completed a financing round of $200 million to expand production.  NextBike brings to the table very strong infrastructure in place as a bike sharing service.

E-Travel Megatrend

Electric bikes, e-scooters and e-mopeds are a travel megatrend. Lightweight electric bikes and other light e-vehicles far outnumber electric cars and e-SUVs being purchased as they are so much less expensive.  They have the added advantages of providing good exercise while you travel to your destination with zero emissions.  They offer all the benefits of green urban commuting with the added value of exercise at a much cheaper price.

Rapid Growth Potential

The lightweight electric vehicle market is rapidly growing as demand from young consumers escalates.  Between 2020 and 2023, 130 million e-bikes are expected to be sold worldwide.  Just e-bikes are projected to be a $20 billion industry in 2023.  Expansion and M&A activity are clearly underway.  Besides the TIER-NextBike deal, Estonian startup Bolt just launched e-scooter services in nine German cities.  And US urban mobility company Lime recently raised $523 million from investors to ramp up its production.  TIER thinks that its acquisition of NextBike will bring e-biking and e-bike sharing to the next level.  To take a look at many more new green forms of travel, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09J1N32PB&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_BA79MDTC36HH85P0V3BM


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